"they call it hustlin but we call it jihad"- saqibs85
and thats copyrighted for any of you that wanted to 'steal it' lol
umm, if you do steal it, i guess you'll have to watchout for saqib. he's a childbeater, not only that, but he has a fantatic blog:
check it out, its pretty awesome. leave some comments while you're at it :)
jihad means "a struggle" so it fits nicely in his quote. i guess now if you're talking to your friends at school about an exam question, you can be like..."YO! i was jihad'n with that question number 4 long answer"
i crack myself up sometimes :D
-taibah out.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Posted by Taibah at 11:07 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
a doing-nothing day, part 2
I woke up very early today, ate breakfast which consisted of an orange and a slice of toast. I thought i was getting a ride to campus today, but nope, i got dropped off at the mall to figure out when the #76 was coming :(
after realizing i had about 30mins to kill at the mall, my first idea was to grab a coffee, as im walking through the mall i ended up in chapters milling around. once i had about 12 mins to grab the bus, i zipped up and adjusted my mitts and walked outside.
i swear to god, i've never been so cold before in my life. it was like, i was choking on the frosted oxygen outside. i couldnt walk in a straight line either since the wind was too strong. lol, i think i looked drunk. when i got to the empty bus shelter, i frantically searched my pockets for my bus ticket, only to realize, i slipped it inside my bag. silly me.
i had to take my mittens off to get by bus ticket and i thought i was gonna die. i decided that if im gonna freeze anyway, why not listen to some music while im at it. so i pulled out my ipod and earphones from my bag too.
let me explain something, a hijabi trying to put earphones on UNDER the hijab is a priceless thing to watch. seriously, i usually go to washroom since it just looks kinda werid trying to do it so casually. thankfully, i was the only one at the bus stop and adjusted the earphones quickley.
the bus comes along and i hurry inside it. only to realize im the only passenger in the bus until we hit bishop grandin. i felt like i had no friends, or not even a family, that feeling of loneliness seriously hit me hard in the bus today :( THANK GOD FOR THE STRANGER WHO FINALLY GOT ON! i even smiled at him, even thought of waving at him too!
after attending my morning classes and dhur i spent a RATHER interesting afternoon with my friends. good times darling.
i decided to head home after asr as usual. i usually get irritated if im still at school after asr. my brain sorta dies on me. i guess cause im usually hungry by that time, or my shoes are dirty or my laptop is starting to kill my shoulder.
today wasnt a good day, thanks mom for picking me up from school :D
Posted by Taibah at 9:01 PM 2 comments
a doing-nothing day...
Posted by Taibah at 3:57 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 28, 2008
no titles
here i am, in university centre on campus, im killing time/ "studying", but as usual i always end up back here on my blog tying away another pointless story of my life, or just something that is grinding my brian, or to be honest, just letting my thoughts release at my fingertips.
i bought a booster juice today, i guess you could say its my lunch, non of the foodplaces here on campus really appeal to me. why dont they open a pita pizzazz here? i'd be their #1 customer! mind you, the only thing i can eat from there is a falafel wrap and the spinach rice with pineapple curry sauce, the falafel HAS to have hummus red pepper sauce or else it isnt worth eating.
this one time, i tried making homemade falafels, i know you can buy the pre-made mixes at the grocery stores, but i like to do things on my own...
god, make the fob brown guys sitting behind me to SHUT THE HELL UP!
falafels....oh yeah! so i made the mix at home, and because it was my first time, i wasnt sure if i was doing everything right. my mother wasnt home to guide me as to what i had to do, so i guess it was a good learning experiance. in the end, it was basically one big mushy mess of flava beans and chickpeas, onions and tahini sauce. i decided to just pour it all into a pita along with some homemade hummus (i made that too), topped with tomatoes and lettuce. it was alright, cept i accidently forgot to package all the leftovers properly, so my dad ended up throwing it all out :(
the booster juice im drinking is terrible. usually bahama breeze is really really good, but today the lady ruined it...thers no orange juice inside it :(
anyways, its time for asr...
-taibah out.
Posted by Taibah at 2:35 PM 2 comments
cheapness at 'le depot'
i work in 2 places. home depot, and a store in the mall called benix. both have good reasons to work at. my last shift at home depot was interesting. i was given a section of the store to work in, un-supervised for 5 hours. the only thing i had to keep me company, was a phone attached to my apron, and the home depot store systems computer access pass.
i began my task of what was assigned to me, using my scan gun to help any customers who came by, but i had more time to browse the computer which was placed infront of me. i think i only had 8 customers come by within that time. while reading the company's code of conducts for the 893287428974982748927490275982nd time, i started clicking random areas of the window i was in, within seconds i had hacked into facebook on the store systems computer.
throughout my 10months at home depot, i had learned from co-workers, and supervisors, the danger of using the internet at work. i was stunned i was able to finally 'crack the code' on my workplace, it filled me such glee and delight as i smiled and began my usual routine on facebook.
all of the sudden, a fantastic idea popped into my brilliant mind. i quickley typed in the URL link of this blog. as i began the sign-in process, my fingers itched, longing the desire to spill out my achievement as fast as they could using the greasy keyboard my fingers were forced to comply with. a store page is issued:
"taibah from dept. 90 please call extension 333, thats taibah from dept. 90 please call 333, thank you"
my heart still aches, as i slowly hit the 'X' button at the top far-right hand corner of the window. Grabbing the phone attached to my apron, i sadly dial the numbers 333 and wait for my supervisor explain to me i was on lunch break for the next hour. While shutting down the store system on the computer, for a split second, i almost decided to hack into the internet again. but then the thought of my homemade beef burger in my hands and fruitopia can drink filled my mind....
Posted by Taibah at 1:15 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Windows Vista Sidebar
ohh the joys!
man, i got a splitting headache rite now, and its driving me insane, i want more pretzel sticks but im already sitting in bed and its past 2am. i promised my parents i'd be up for work at 6:30am.....oh wells lol.
so rather than grabbing some precious sleep time, ive chosen to do other pointless things which i'll regret later on during the day when im about to passout at work, due to no sleep.
my headache is seriously killing me now :(
anyways, so i finally realized whats the point of the Vista Sidebar. wanna know what the point it? ABSOLUTLY NOTHING!!!
its dumb how i actually wasted so much time trying to figure out if any gadgets were worth using. i decided to take a peek at the online gadgets i can download, and i ended up taking the prayer timings, and daily hadith gadgets. along with thoes 2, i got 2 other rather interesting gadgets. they really annoy me lol
one of them is "random thoughts gadget" and the other one is...well, its like a giant blue and silver ball you click on and it advises you on "yes, you should do it" or "no, it doesnt seem right today"....GARBAGE!!
the random thoughts gadget provokes me to write here, infact, it said the most outrageous things to me :(
"why are jeans so hard to get into?"
"have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?"
"are people born stupid, or do they have to work at it?"
"does fuzzy logic tickle?"
"how does elmo hear? elmo has no ears"
"if a book about failures doesnt sell, is it a success?"
"where does the lost sock in the dryer go?"
the most priceless comment it's given me:
"Isn't Disneyland a people trap operated by a mouse?"
LMAO!!!!! it seriously cracks me up. i couldnt stop laughing for a good 3 mins, until i got hiccups which are just terrible.
it actually reminds me of a lecture i once heard by Sh. Muhammad Al-Shareef. He was talking about how the dunya can be so backwards sometimes. And how, a muslim mother will take their child to disneyworld/disneyland, and say to her kid...."ohhhh darling! put this little hat on you, you;ll look so cute, you look just like a RAT! let me take your picture my little darling!"
ok, i'll confess, he didnt say the 'darling' part, thats just "taibah lingo" i just HAD to add in there for my special touch lol.
but im sure you get the story tho...if not, sucks to be you.
ok, serisouly my head is gonna fall off if i dont sleep :(
i shall return to my awesomeness soon, g'nite
Posted by Taibah at 2:08 AM 3 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
choking on a dream
i have 2 boxes underneath my bed. each one has a ton of stuff in it. while going through one of the boxes, i ran into my sketchbook from grade 9. it saddens me how at one point, i used to wake up on the weekends and do whatever i wanted to. i could stay in my pj's all day, i could watch tv all day, i didnt have to peek at my school books, or even go near the computer. within years, my life has changed so much.
as im flipping through my sketchbook, random bits of poetry are written here and there, and some of my artwork that i used to spend such precious time on still exists. :(
i miss the days of sitting in the basement during summer break, with a picture of Sailor Pluto infront of me, and me and my drawing pencils and sketchbook are the only things there. She was beautiful, and i spent so much effort on making her every curve and strand of hair perfect. Her eyes took the longest to complete and prob the most enjoyable thing ever.
as i flip throught the pages of my sketchbook, each drawing had a memorable story behind it, sometimes i write the date and times i complete the drawing, which makes looking at them more painful.
a golden rose, a lotus flower, the outline of hamzah's hand as a baby...
months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds....where did it all go??
its like, a spice jar. you fill it up, and add to your pasta, your pizza sauce, your curry mix, until one day you just chake the bloody thing until you get the sense to open the spice jar up, and slap your forehead and say "holy #$!*! where did all the oregano go?!"....well darling, you used it up...
i dont want my spice jar to end so fast :(
my sketchbook was a mere reminder of where time has gone....
but if that was a sign to show me where my time went....where have i gone?
Posted by Taibah at 10:47 PM 2 comments
Thursday, January 17, 2008
its locked...
picture this:
a door appears before you in a sloping hallway. your gut feelings make you lift your hands and grasp the cool brass doorknob. carefully, you twist your wrist in a effort to open the door. its locked.
what to do now??
using both hands you hold the cool brass doorknob, and with a violent effort you try your hardest to get the door open. its locked.
you kick and shove your weight agaisnt the door. its locked.
this is life my friends. no matter what you do....you cant win all the time. your mind desires one thing, but the system of life doenst want to give it to you.
we cant win my dears....
Posted by Taibah at 10:16 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
i think i've been to moxies waaaaaaaaaaaayyy to many times over the past 3 weeks. Not only that, but i order the same food and drink each time. Here's how it is:
Waitress: and what can i get you guys to drink?
Guest 1: ummm water for now
Me: ummm, your raspberry passionfruit margarita, virgin please
Waitress: i'll be right back
jeez, its the same drink EVERYTIME! but why cant i ever stop myself from ordering the same margarita each time???
then i take a look at the menu, and because im so limited in what i can eat, my options are down to about 6. but as usual, i order the same Goat Cheese and Asparagus Pizza.....mind you, after they bring it to me, i pick all the asparagus off! lol
so...im not a huge fan of moxies anymore, even though they are priced decently, and have nice staff etc.
got any ideas of what i should do??
Posted by Taibah at 9:26 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 14, 2008
the world always wins...
“When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world” – Timone, Disney’s Lion King
But does it really have to be that way? Can we still function when the world gives up on us?
Well…to be honest, I don’t even know the answer. Don’t you hate it when cartoons confuse you like this?
We each have unique personalities and diverse backgrounds and lifestyles. Each person knows their own list of faults and knows what counts as personal moral values and what doesn’t. We know what is socially acceptable and what isn’t. We know how to think, cause thank god, we each have the capability to think, understand, and realize with the help of something in our head known scientifically as the brain.
All throughout our life, we’ve been exposed to different situations, sometimes to the point of a puzzling culture clash. Yet these situations aren’t meant to hurt, but they do sometimes. We get angry and let that anger poison our emotions and blood. We go against all odds and fight our “rights” for the wrong purposes.
Is it human nature to do that?
You tell me. Im clueless at this point :(
I once heard someone give another individual excellent advice. Yes, I was eavesdropping, and they said “no matter what happens in your life, understand it happens for a reason. Don’t give up yet, you’re stronger than you think”. My first thoughts from hearing that was to think of all the events in my past, events I thought had “ruined” my life, events that had caused a dramatic change in my lifestyle or ways of thinking. I realized this is supposed to happen, and there is essentially no one to blame.
I leave you with this thought: The world always wins.
It’s just how it is my darlings…
Posted by Taibah at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 13, 2008
im late, im late, im late
hmmm, i really shouldnt be here, as i start work in like....20mins :S
this has been grinding my brain for awhile now, and i just need to get it out.
i cant stand individuals who judge me based on my style of writing or talking. Its the thing that makes us unique. How can i possibly change that??
haters- i know you're out there. and trust me, i dont think you should waste your time on getting annoyed with my writing or style of talking. If you do, get some help, or get some fresh air. seriously. its retarded, how i even have to write this.
and you know what else? im sorry if i ruined your life for being myself.....NOT! :P
or better yet, sue me!
Posted by Taibah at 11:13 AM 0 comments
Saturday, January 12, 2008
the art of sneezing
I can rant forever..
You know, I told my mother last night, that using my laptop is like exercise for my fingers. She told me "taibah, dont be so silly"...i dont know about the rest of you, but pakistani moms NEVER say the word "silly"...it just doesnt fit. So i didnt have anything to say to her, other than my stunned silence lol.
this one time, i was sitting in my dad's office downstairs, and i was sitting on the twirly swivley chair, and going round and round. I got dizzy and just kinda sat there for a few mins. Until i got this sneeze. Well i like sneezing for thoes of you that dont know. As strange as this sounds, i think sneezing is like an accomplishment...in a really strange way.
anyways, this wasnt just any sneeze. It was such an intense sneeze, i swear to god, i pulled a muscle! lol
yeah, you know you're out of shape when....
Posted by Taibah at 11:04 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
facebook...PART 1
"hey yo! you on facebook? great add me!"
ok, i admit, i do say that alot...its becoming more and more natural for me to say it. unfortunatly.
its sad to see how an online network is taken so seriously.
regardless, i have some issues with facebook...yes im complaining again :D
1. Fake Accounts
SERIOUSLY! what the hell is up with people these day?! clearly you got nothing else better to do than to use someone elses' name and makeup a fake account. Not only that, but you actually use the pics from the "real" person's profile to jazz it up. Come to think of it, isnt that a form of 'Identity Theft'?? What retard has that much time to go through the trouble of it all? If its your pathetic way of 'hating' on someone, do me a favor will you? stop being a coward and fight the real way :)
2. ummm...check back again for more...
im rather tired for now..
Posted by Taibah at 3:27 AM 3 comments
Monday, January 7, 2008
asay bi hota hai.....it happens like this too
sleepless night brings me to yet another entry on my blog. to be honest this thing is really addictive. its like the thing that wont ever tell me to stop or say "hey i gotta go, catch up with you later"...
i write to bring out the good and bad words flooding out of my mind. not exactly a bad or good thing. my writing isnt censored, it shouldnt be. because its just me. taibah. dont like it? LEAVE! lol kidding, all are welcome! even you mom and dad :D
regardless, whats on my mind...hmmmm sleep?nope, food? nah, school? hells no...
actually it kinda is, school i mean, its the only thing i do really. well more of my life is spent working than relaxing. it sucks. i wouldnt be working if i had to go to school. i hate how school is over-rated. dont agree? lol i know...
im listening to this amazing song called "boys are best"...thanks urooj! its so gay im like mentally dancing in mind. ima search up the video so you guys that read this can hear it :)
anyways, back to school and work. ewww...i hate working. im not a lazy person, but i just hate what i do, you're saying "well taibah, look for a new job then", i would, but my jobs get me throught my school fees, retarded telus cell phone plan, annoying service charges on my debit card, and both credit card invoices.
ok, enought complaining! SMILE!! lets see how long my smile is gonna last :D
ever get days when you feel like you didnt do anything productive but still felt great? i think i just had one today. i guess you could say it was healthy lol.
this song is so freakin amazing!
okies, ima try to grab some sleep now...
Posted by Taibah at 2:07 AM 2 comments
Sunday, January 6, 2008
my days: a satire
ok, so maybe i come off as extremly depressing somedays. it all depends actually. sometimes it isnt all in my 'head', its the little things in life actually.
we can blame it on my watery coffee from the cheap tim hortons in UC, or my dead battery on my ipod, or how my phone doesnt have a vibrate function anymore. It can even be losing my hijab pins in the morning, or not finding my laptop charger adapter before going to bed.
all of the above things make me go into this trace, its called "frustration".
but frustration and depression are 2 seperate things.
im a jolly person usually, and most people out there are jolly. but like the average person, i have things to complain about too, and things to be happy about and things to be sad about too.
the point im trying to get at, is:
i complain SOMETIMES. so shut up and eat it.
Posted by Taibah at 10:31 PM 3 comments
Dear God
Dear God,
keep me alive, keep my faith alive, keep my dreams alive, and most importantly, let me live each day to its fullest.
remembering you, and praising you in every way possible, guide me to see a way to a happy life.
take away my tears, undo the sadness im forced to live in, lift my mellow emotions, and erase the memories of my breaking heart.
no man or woman can help me. no self-help book from a human can help me. you alone can only truly guide me.
lets keep hope alive
Posted by Taibah at 1:17 AM 1 comments
Friday, January 4, 2008
Jolly Rancher's
so yesterday at work, i ran out to Walmart to grab a new notebook i needed for the new semester starting up. As i enter walmart, i find myself seeing "75% off all Christmas Candy"...i ended up picking up cases of Disney Princesses Candy Canes.
As i left that area, i found myself in the comestics dept. I ended up walking away with a new mascara.
When i finally reached the stationary section, i noticed all the 3-ring, 3 subject coil notebooks from FiveStar were gone, but i noticed some sitting WAAAAAAAYYYY up on the top shelf....being 5-4" wasnt helping me at this point. I notice a worker kinda walking around looking extreamly bored. I asked her for help, so she comes along. Turns out thoes notebooks at the top werent 3 subject notebooks, but 5 subject ones. I thanked her for her help and walked away with the 5-subject book.
As im walking away, I notice the Sugar-Shot area...whats the sugar shot area?? the candy section you silly goose!
anyways, i swear, i think i spent a good 10mins trying to decide what to get...i finally decided on Jolly Ranchers, but i didnt know they came packaged in this really cool way. Like the way Dentyne Ice gum is packaged....these jolly rancher packages are wicked cool!
watermelon flavour is my favorite, whats yours?
Posted by Taibah at 1:52 PM 6 comments
Salaams and Welcome
Hey All!
i've started my own blog as i find that im more of a person who likes to express how i feel in words. i complain alot, so hopefully this blog will allow me to vent out or scream into it that way some of you wont be the helpless victim i run to to complain.
regardless, you'll be able to read about what goes on in my life, and what i do during the day. my life is rather eventful, so you probably wont ever be bored here.
stick around and check back often for new updates :D
Posted by Taibah at 1:48 PM 0 comments