Tuesday, January 8, 2008

facebook...PART 1

"hey yo! you on facebook? great add me!"

ok, i admit, i do say that alot...its becoming more and more natural for me to say it. unfortunatly.

its sad to see how an online network is taken so seriously.

regardless, i have some issues with facebook...yes im complaining again :D

1. Fake Accounts
SERIOUSLY! what the hell is up with people these day?! clearly you got nothing else better to do than to use someone elses' name and makeup a fake account. Not only that, but you actually use the pics from the "real" person's profile to jazz it up. Come to think of it, isnt that a form of 'Identity Theft'?? What retard has that much time to go through the trouble of it all? If its your pathetic way of 'hating' on someone, do me a favor will you? stop being a coward and fight the real way :)

2. ummm...check back again for more...

im rather tired for now..



PaRaNoId_DrEaMs said...

Facebook is like the greatest thing that's ever graced the internet...besides your blog. Now I can marry you and claim i wasn't stalking you. I can just say i found your blog. Haha just kidding Taibah i luv you!

Taibah said...


You're the creep whos been outside my window this ENTIRE day!

where is CSIS when i need it?!

kidding darling, one day i'll marry you ;)

Unknown said...

hey hey watz all this :P

omg ppl really do that on facebook, that's messed.

I'm happy that you have ur own blog though you know it's nicer than facebook!