Thursday, April 17, 2008

too beautiful

take a peek outside your window, gorgeous outside isnt it? but no, i get to be stuck inside reading my stupid textbook and doing old exams...*sigh* the joy of finals. in less than 24 hours i will be FREEEEEEEEEEEE

not really free, i got a crazy amount of stuff to get done before the end of next week. its like my list of never-ending to-do's. it keeps getting longer and longer. Im taking one summer class also. Managerial Accounting, it sounds to be rather interesting, but we'll see how that goes.

ive been doing some cover letter writings too, we'll see how job hunting goes for this summer.

just saying the word "summer" makes me excited. Summer means painting, gardening, going out with friends, the park, outdoor volleyball, kite flying, family BBQ's, soceer sundays, CAMPING, insane thunderstorms, lightning shows, long walks in the late evening, rollerblading at night....endless memories.

i need a glass of water, and then its time to hit the books.again.sigh.

-taibah out