Sunday, August 10, 2008

the masjid, part 3

i attended jummah on friday. i was in the lower level again, thanks to some "womanly issues" lol

i dont recall what the khutbah was about, cause i came kinda late, but there was masha allah alot of people that day.

while everyone got up to pray, a woman was having some difficulty keeping her son nearby while she could line up to pray with everyone else. he was a small toddler and wanted to play with another elderly lady's walking stick. The mother of this small child was trying hard to contain her child, he wasnt making any noise however. I watched and walked upto the woman and told her i would watch her son while she could pray. The look on her face was amazing, she smiled and thanked me. He son blinked at me afew times while i began to keep him entertained. As he's poking at my rings im wearing, i glance around at other small babies and toddlers that were nearby.

4 little girls, they were around 2/3 years old each. Each was dressed amazingly, their hair pulled back, styled cutely with ribbons or pins, innocent expressions, genuine smiles. They watched each other intently, eager to befriend one another, pointing at each other and then at the door to begin an adventure to explore the rest of the masjid. Finally one girl whipsered 'c'mon!', some skipped, some scurried towards the door. They watched each other cautiously.

i watched with tears in my eyes. the prayer ends, my friend says 'why are you crying taibah?', i wipe my eyes and point....


-taibah out