Saturday, February 21, 2009

3 Subject

been awhile since i wrote a nice blog post....

life has indeed been spinning. and rather then sit around and cry and complain about it, you're suppose to tackle it and tell the world how strong you really are. struggle and submission. wow.

im starting a new job on monday. alhumdulliah. after such a long time, things are finally starting to change for me. i hope to sleep easy now. i used to think 2008 was a crazyyy year, but im stunned to see how 2009 has been playing out. subhanallah. you literally have to expect the unexpected.

ive learned to become selfish. but not with the intention to hurt others. but rather, not let them hurt me. its a dark world. savage. disgusting. and evil. people arent as innocent as they look. what happens in their minds will alway remain a mystery to me. not everybody thinks the same way i do, and thats something i need to keep reminding myself. people are generally born stupid. but its the incidents and experiances in thier lives that keep them categorized into that group called 'decent/normal'. very few exist in that category.

im looking forward to a day to smile to.

-taibah out