Wednesday, May 28, 2008

waking up sick

today hasnt really been too good for me.

i woke up for fajr and prayed. when i went back to room, i realize someone has taken one of my pillows away (the waterpillow is gone). i dont mind this too much as i go to my closet and grab one of the 2 extras i keep there (i LOVE sleeping with lots of pillows). I then soon fall asleep.

My mom wakes me up around 8am, she's explaining to me she's heading out for the entire day and reminding me of my chores to get done for the day. she then explains she took away my pillows cause i can damage my neck (lately ive been complaining about intense neck and shoulder pains). im too tired to really pay attention so i just kinda doze off as shes talking.

I wake up finally at 10am, and im feeling really sick. I end up in the washroom throwing up and my stomach still isnt feeling too well. After getting through the dishes and doing laundry and tidying up, my mom had told me to grab some steaks from the freezer for dinner and get them ready for my dad to marinate them when he gets home. I grab the steaks and defrost them, and wash and clean them. My hands smelled really gross so i had to drench them in some Satsuma Body Butter from The Body Shop (LOVE IT!) it took away the smell of fresh meat right away and left me with a sweet juicy smell of citrus fruits.

i want some rice. and my waterpillow back :(

-taibah out