Tuesday, December 23, 2008

fleece blankets and jones sodas

havent written a good blog post in awhile...

been busy/lazy.
i dont know if thats really possible to be lazy AND busy at the same time. but guess what? in taibah's world ANYTHING is possible :)
so yeah, been busy/lazy.

exams got in the way earlier this month, as was my term assignment for one of my business law classes. but alhumdulliah, those classes are over now. no more case studies, retarded papers, and boring readings to suffer with. However, group study sessions were productive this year, better than last year i find, maybe cuz everyone else was older and more mature...hmm, oh wells.

my sister, brother inlaw and niece came to visit for 2 weeks. i enjoyed their visit very much. its strange seeing a baby hangout at my house. A walk down the hallway to my bedroom was pretty interesting during this time. you'd always see a baby sock or one of baby's face towels lying around in the hall. It was pretty cute actually, i just wasnt used to it.

its a habit of mine to sleep really late, i normally fall asleep between the hours of 1am-5am. usually, the house is dead quiet during these hours. However, during my niece's visit, it was kinda different. As im busily doing something useless and boring in my room id hear her cry during the night at odd hours.

it was really sad when their visit was over. but insha allah ill be seeing them again really soon.

in other news, i want to get my eyebrow pierced. the parents have said no, but that might change rite? hmmmmm.

-taibah out