Friday, November 7, 2008

im riding a bus at night. mama?

i dont call my mother mama, i call her mom.
and i do ride buses at night, but rarely. and it depends where and why.

the other night i stayed later than usual on campus, i was working on my paper about Oral-B, the toothbrush company. When i finally finished it it was 5:30ish. The bus i wanted comes at 5:48. I rushed to pack up my papers and laptop, by the time i walked out of UC the time was 5:43.

It was dark outside, and this surprised me. I didnt have a jacket, just another one of my funky sweater zip-ups. i pulled the hood over my head and popped my hands into my pockets. Walking towards the bus stop was....beautiful.

Picture this, its rainy, you've got a backpack on, you've got no jacket, you're walking along a neatly paved walkway. alone. surrounded by trees, the only noise you hear in between the wind is the passing of some cars and buses. I stood outside the bus shelter, despite the fact my fingers were frozen. I stared at the tree behind me.

I cried. but it was a good cry.
Subhanallah moments.
gotta love'em

-taibah out