Sunday, November 16, 2008

keeps gettin' better eh?

its pretty late at night rite now, and im starting to question why i dont let myself enjoy the sweet hours of sleep that i keep ignoring? what exactly am i staying awake for? absolutely nothing. im having odd cravings, and its driving me crazy cuz i cant feed these cravings away. its nothing dramatic, its just pretzels and bagels. gotta pick some up next time im in safeway.

this week is gonna be VERY productive insha allah. i get kinda sleepy thinking about it, but what other choices do i have? im still kinda iffy about my health rite now, i still go through lots of physical pain, but ive tolerated alot of it so far. insha allah, everything should be ok. right? insha allah. i dont wanna be another pin cushion at the doctors :(

in between papers and readings for school, im trying REALLY hard to squeeze time in for my friends, but i think its failing miserably. oh wells, i guess campus life does that to people at some point. ive let go on some people, at the time i felt terrible, but now that i look back, ill smile cuz it was one of the best decisions ive ever made in my life.
im not a bad friend, ive just learned to see whats more healthy for me and my poor poor soul.

another new thing on my mind, being an emo! lol no i dont slit my wrists, but im LOVING the haircut :P

-taibah out