Thursday, July 10, 2008


my right hand underwent some damage at work.

within the first 3 hours at work, my right hand begins to irritate me, i figured they were just dry and applied some lotion to burns. I get up to wash my hands and once they've dried down, all the "peeling" marks begin to take shape. I find my boss.

After finding our First Aid go-to person, they tell me ive had a reaction to some chemicals that have touched my hand. and its promised to have happened earlier in the day. somewhere at work. im thinking it was in the washroom from the sink facets.

We file a report and its faxed right away to Atlanta. My boss leaves to buy me some Polysporin. Atlanta says they'll cover the cost of any visits to the doctor or any medication i need. I like how they care :)

i dont know exactly what i touched, but an entire layer of my skin on my right hand has come off. my hand looks terrible. when i touch my face with my hand, it feels like my fingers have been replaced by sandpaper. it truly both saddens and angers me.

perhaps it'll clear up overnight


-taibah out


ZeeAwan said...

pfft! Atlanta will cover costs to the doctor??? HELLO! This is Canada! We don't pay to see the doctor unlike those suckers!!!! :P