Thursday, March 27, 2008

something like phenomena baby!

Im sitting in asper today, im a study cubicle, sadly im very concentrated today while i study today. The study cubicle allows one to stay focused on the ONLY objects sitting infront of them, nothing else. yet im very paranoid still. very paranoid.

my cell phone rang not too long ago. its normal right? well, not if you got my ringtone! lol i got smirks from EVERYONE around me while my stupid phone rang and sang to everyone in this quiet area. how humiliating eh? while i casually get up and walk out of this area, im thinking THIS CALL BETTER BE IMPORTANT OR ELSE!


i hate how pathetic my laptop battery is, ive had my laptop on for 40mins and i only have 71% remaining. my cellphone and laptop are seriously failing me today. it took me ages to connect to the internet too. im not complaining.

ive promised myself to not complain for the next little month or so, it should be quite the challenge. i got to school today, and i guess there was a fire drill in engineering so i almost got run over while im trying to get to the bank machines. When i finally get my cash etc, the tim hortons line is RETARDLY long, the one day i decide to give in to watery coffee from timmys'....

i debated about heading upstairs to IQ's but i choose not to, im not digging starbucks today.

now im getting kinda hungry, i do have my water bottle and a bag of cherryblasters that i picked up from walmart yesterday. how i want pretzels so badly!!!! i have a bag of them waiting at home for me too :(

anyways, off i go...
-taibah out.


ayoota said...

hey tibz i resent what u said about timmy's's not wattery!...what's your coffee taste like???

Taibah said...

my coffee is bitter and sweet at the same time. its a feeling of comfort and allows me to stay calm and yet be awake at the same time.

however, espresso is better :D