Monday, January 28, 2008

cheapness at 'le depot'

i work in 2 places. home depot, and a store in the mall called benix. both have good reasons to work at. my last shift at home depot was interesting. i was given a section of the store to work in, un-supervised for 5 hours. the only thing i had to keep me company, was a phone attached to my apron, and the home depot store systems computer access pass.

i began my task of what was assigned to me, using my scan gun to help any customers who came by, but i had more time to browse the computer which was placed infront of me. i think i only had 8 customers come by within that time. while reading the company's code of conducts for the 893287428974982748927490275982nd time, i started clicking random areas of the window i was in, within seconds i had hacked into facebook on the store systems computer.


throughout my 10months at home depot, i had learned from co-workers, and supervisors, the danger of using the internet at work. i was stunned i was able to finally 'crack the code' on my workplace, it filled me such glee and delight as i smiled and began my usual routine on facebook.

all of the sudden, a fantastic idea popped into my brilliant mind. i quickley typed in the URL link of this blog. as i began the sign-in process, my fingers itched, longing the desire to spill out my achievement as fast as they could using the greasy keyboard my fingers were forced to comply with. a store page is issued:

"taibah from dept. 90 please call extension 333, thats taibah from dept. 90 please call 333, thank you"


my heart still aches, as i slowly hit the 'X' button at the top far-right hand corner of the window. Grabbing the phone attached to my apron, i sadly dial the numbers 333 and wait for my supervisor explain to me i was on lunch break for the next hour. While shutting down the store system on the computer, for a split second, i almost decided to hack into the internet again. but then the thought of my homemade beef burger in my hands and fruitopia can drink filled my mind....