Wednesday, January 16, 2008




i think i've been to moxies waaaaaaaaaaaayyy to many times over the past 3 weeks. Not only that, but i order the same food and drink each time. Here's how it is:

Waitress: and what can i get you guys to drink?
Guest 1: ummm water for now
Me: ummm, your raspberry passionfruit margarita, virgin please
Waitress: i'll be right back

jeez, its the same drink EVERYTIME! but why cant i ever stop myself from ordering the same margarita each time???


then i take a look at the menu, and because im so limited in what i can eat, my options are down to about 6. but as usual, i order the same Goat Cheese and Asparagus Pizza.....mind you, after they bring it to me, i pick all the asparagus off! lol not a huge fan of moxies anymore, even though they are priced decently, and have nice staff etc.

got any ideas of what i should do??