Thursday, May 29, 2008

warped and twisted

if i get too close to you, wake me up, remind me softly to go...
if i forget, wont you, wake me up, remind me...

he says "not to feel a thing,
keep the dream tight"

i cant feel a thing
my dreams are so tight

cant feel anything
my dreams are so tight

....stand in line tonight?


if the above doesnt make much sense to you, thats ok. its not suppose to. its just me and my upside down thoughts. i guess its normal, perhaps, maybe, im not sure. do you know? you prob dont. ugh. i want some cheese and crackers. do i have cheese and crackers? no. i have cheese but no crackers. i want pretzels too. infact, im not gonna eat anything right now. its almost 2am and its been a rather eventful evening.

Sham bakhair!
(goodnight in farsi)

-taibah out

ps. i dont know farsi, its just something my dad used to say to me for as long as i can remember. age 3? who knows...


WolfDog said...

sounds like metric lyricks